Naked Juice Festival Tour
The Halo Group was recently appointed by Initials, Naked’s creative concept agency to design and build a festival structure for the brand’s touring activation at Latitude, Wilderness and Festival No.6. This was our second consecutive year working with Initials on the Naked account. Initials were responsible for the creative concept and The Halo Group provided temporary structure design and festival production services for the activation.

The Brief
Starting as a stark white wilderness full of interesting sculptures, Naked Juice put the power of colour and creativity into the hands of festival-goers, prompting them to create a vibrant, dynamic environment filled with positive, feel-good energy. This exciting experiential campaign utilised many of our core products and services including our expertise in festival structure design and our award-winning production team. Naked wanted to create a contrasting environment with a natural, rustic aesthetic and finish applied to the exterior of the venue and a crisp white blank canvas style interior. During each live event, festival goers were invited to engage with the brand by taking stickers related to the smoothie ingredients from customised dispensers and sticking them to the white walls and floor, thus bringing the space to life as more and more colour was added.

The Solution
To achieve the end result we utilised our modular steel build system to create a bespoke festival structure with a 10mx10m skeletal frame, which was then fitted with studwork detail and clad with marine ply to create a blank canvas. The exterior was then finished with a further layer of rustic timber panels. Each of the production elements were created in-house by The Halo Group including the bespoke Colourtopia sign, distressed barrels containing the juice and bespoke sticker dispensers.