Key Sector Case Study
Permanent Structures
Our experience in running events combined with our temporary structure building led us into Design and Build projects. We started to work with councils and developers to breathe life into unusable spaces. And were often brought in by private clients when companies couldn't hit the brief.
Our event experience would see us build quicker than traditional developers and due to the way our structure is designed we could offer the integrity of a permanent building with the flexibility of a temporary one. Bringing together the best of both worlds.
With Lost in Brixton we designed a mezzanine over the bin store to open up a whole new area of the market. Our modular steel structure offers many advantages over traditional construction materials due to its temporary nature, reusability and high load bearing capacity. The system is ideal for short, mid and longer term projects where an installation is required for a number of years or where access is restricted as it doesn’t require plant, cranes or heavy equipment for its erection. Its simplicity is ideal for projects like Brixton, where the schedule was tight as it helped reduce build time onsite through many efficiencies. Furthermore, as it can be dismantled, landlords are able to gain exceptionally high value for “meanwhile usage” of their sites.

Anything in place for more than 30 days can be deemed a permanent structure, so we have developed a system that looks and feels like a permanent structure but is fully demountable. This allows for a lot of flexibility when designing within a challenging space, or whilst waiting for the long drawn out process of a planning application to get approved. From pop up secure warehouses, to maximising the capacity of a challenging footprint by adding a mezzanine or fixed roof structure. We align any Design & build project with the RIBA stages, to allow our team and our clients to easily understand what stage of a project we are at, and so both parties have clearly identified deliverables.